PulteGroup 2022 ESG Report

MEASURING WHAT MATTERS Consistent with PulteGroup’s efforts to reduce our environmental footprint and provide greater transparency, we continue to increase our public disclosures on relevant metrics. In 2022 we became one of the first U.S. homebuilders to complete the Climate Change disclosures from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP.) Going forward, we plan to continue our engagement with CDP to improve the depth and quality of our disclosures. We annually update our disclosures, including evaluating and disclosing against other relevant frameworks as appropriate, such as the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD.) In 2022, we made significant progress in our TCFD reporting by establishing internal metrics and targets with respect to climate-related risks. We also completed an update of our Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) assessment, first released in 2021. GHG provides the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards and allows organizations to measure, manage and report greenhouse gas emissions from their operations and associated value chains. A summary of PulteGroup’s Scope 1, Scope 2 and select categories of Scope 3 GHG emissions assessment is provided below. A more comprehensive analysis of our GHG metrics can be found at the end of this report and on PulteGroup’s corporate website.


2020 mtCO 2 e 2021 mtCO 2 e 2022 mtCO 2 e

Refrigerant leakages

511 319

498 512

505 514


Equipment fuel usage (diesel + gasoline)

Vehicle fuel usage (diesel)


2,465 69,782 27,271


Electricity Natural Gas

72,194 27,548

80,342 26,454


Category 1: Purchased goods & services




Category 2: Capital goods

25,927 21,201

23,538 30,805

22,597 33,814

Category 3: Fuel- and energy-related activities

Category 4: Upstream transportation





Category 5: Waste




Category 6: Business travel

1,129 3,600


3,891 4,521

Category 7: Employee commuting, incl. teleworking


Category 11: Use of sold products

3,863,634 7,524,606

4,177,356 9,221,595

4,099,859 6,559,497


Our GHG emission estimates were calculated with the assistance of a third-party consultant and include assumptions and estimates in order to provide a meaningful assessment of the emissions related to our operations. Where appropriate, these estimates were developed in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, calculating our emissions using both spend-based and activity-related data. As indicated by the measurements, our Scope 1 carbon emissions were not significant since due to relatively small number of manufacturing facilities, vehicles or buildings that we own and operate. Our headquarters and division offices are leased and the purchase of electricity and heating is dictated by our various commercial landlords. For Scope 2, spend data related to our combined utility consumption was collected to develop estimations of the impact from purchased energy. These values were location-based, with certain facility specific details used depending on the type of information available per location. . The main source of our GHG emissions was from Scope 3 since the emissions from our value chain capture the construction of our homes and homeowners’ use of the homes. For Category 11 (Use of sold products), these values were estimated based on energy consumption data per home sourced from RESNET and the estimated lifetime of the energy system within the homes to generate energy consumption. The decrease in total Category 1 emissions within our Scope 3 estimates in 2022 was due, in part, to our use of US Environmentally- Extended Input-Output models which were updated for 2022 and do not necessarily reflect a proportionate decrease in the emission estimates for our homes.

This is a summary, please see the full report in the appendix.

2022 ESG REPORT | 14

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