ANTI-BACTERIAL EXHAUST Protect your home with the Broan SurfaceShield™ exhaust fan, powered by Vital Vio This fan provides prevention of mold and growth on surfaces in your bathroom or other humidity- prone environment. SurfaceShield™ technology, combined with Broan’s powerful ventilation, is an effective one - two punch against bacteria, mold and fungi growing within your room. And, with a super-quiet sound rating of 1.0 sone, this fan generates powerful air circulation with minimal background noise. Two lighting modes provide an everyday white light, perfect for task lighting, and the SurfaceShield™ continuous antimicrobial mode. As part of the Broan Roomside Series, this fan offers the EzDuct™ connector for hassle-free room- side installation with no attic access needed, foldable mounting ears, a new damper and housing technology that improves airtightness like never before. Vital Vio This fan provides conti continuous prevention of mold and bacterial growth on ti
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